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Telling stories about what's next.

We tell stories that grow businesses, transform organizations, and create positive change. We are proud of our partnerships with diverse leaders and brands.

our work

Case Studies

Recent Work

We make creative materials that serve as storytelling tools to inform and inspire audiences. View some recent examples.


Hope Christian Academy

A K-12 Classical Christian school serving families in Dickinson, North Dakota.


Investing with endurance in ways that build value over time for people, businesses, and communities.

Westminster Fidelity

A planned-giving campaign to fortify another 100 years of faithful training.

Empower School at Valley Dream Farm

Nurturing both soil and soul through regenerative farming education and Christian faith formation.


Catalyzing a movement of one-to-one disciple-making that is transforming lives, churches, and countries across the world.

Greenleaf integrative

Equipping organizations to better handle trauma in their programs, systems, and teams.

Christ Presbyterian Church

Seeking to be a people and a church open to how the Gospel moves.

Hope Academy

Changing the story of K-12 education for Minneapolis families.

Hope Academy: Realize the Remarkable

Discovering true hope through a remarkable education.


Launching, building, and growing great companies for lasting impact.


Nourishing mind, soul, and heart to inspire students to grow abundantly.

Riverbridge: Responsible Investing

Furthering human flourishing through responsible investing.

Bridge Partners

Catalyzing unrealized potential for investors and tenants alike.

Endurance Capital

Building value over time.

Anselm House

Serving the U of M in the mission of connecting faith and knowledge with all of life.

The Resound Project

Strengthening churches for a changing world.


Offering profound preparation for a lifetime of scholarship or ministry.


Inviting university communities to explore the ideas that shape our lives.

Hope Church

Creating a crossover community gathered around Jesus’ love.

Parable wealth partners

Discovering growth and freedom through financial planning.

Redeemer Downtown

A legacy church with a fresh vision for the future.

The Resound Project

Strengthening churches for a changing world.


Bethel University

Creating a clear price tuition campaign.

Veritas Forum

Exploring the ideas that shape our lives.


Catalyzing a worldwide movement of one-to-one disciple-making.


Helping organizations look upstream and proactively respond to trauma.

Christ presbyterian Church

Seeing every window as an invitation.

Hope Academy: Realize the Remarkable

Changing educational outcomes for children in Minneapolis.

Redeemer Network

Accelerating a movement of the gospel in New York City.

Smallcircle: Invest
in one

Championing the power of one-to-one relationships.


Experiencing how teens are finding community, love, and support every week.


A vision to catalyze Christian growth in New York City.


Shaping the convictions, character, and competencies of a pastor.

Child Center

Strengthening children and families with skills, opportunities, and emotional support to build healthy, successful lives.


Earnings power—a fundamental aspect of Riverbridge's investment philosophy.

Tradition Bank

Seeking to truly understand your vision, your passion, and your unique situation.

Living Threads

Discovering and sharing the throughline of God’s grace with your family.

The New York Project: Build a Great City

Inviting others to be part of a dream for New York City.

The New York Project: History is Happening

Engaging in citywide momentum propelled by the gospel.



Transforming lives, churches, and countries across the world.

Westminster Fidelity

Fortifying another 100 years of faithful training.


Discovering a different story to personal finances.


Inviting communities to end hopelessness among teens.

The New York Project

Catalyzing a vision for a better New York City.

Grace Commons church

Gifting a city with a vision and commitment to love.